Sun Rise Flow
For beginners and all levels, start out your day with a unique morning flow that warms you up and gets you ready for the day. You will learn the foundations of yoga so as to be able to start building your own morning flow for your regular at-home practice. (Beginners to All levels)
Remedy Flow
Vinyasa Flow
Remedy Flow and Vinyasa Flow are faster flow classes for those who want to flow through the many different yoga asanas systemically. It is ideal for those who want to get a good sweat and keep the body in an effortlessly balanced state throughout the day. Recommend for those who had some yoga practices for some time before. It is most beneficial for those of Kapha nature, as it stimulates the fire and air elements in the body. (level 2 to 3)
Meditation Class
Yoga Remedy offers guided meditations, and breathing exercises. With the practice of meditation, you will find yourself embracing the present moment thus inducing a new mode of consciousness. Touching inner-peace one finds that the experience of meditation disables stress and that tasks seem to become effortless in daily life.
Moonlight Yin
Moonlight Yin is a gentle yoga class that goes through detail on each posture with a longer holding time and deep focus on the breath. Slow-paced, this class focuses on classic postures and correct alignment in the body. The class is ideal not only for seniors to keep all the limbs gently activated but also for the athlete to restore the body's energy - ready for a new challenge. You will get a deep relaxation - necessary for today's hectic world. It is most beneficial for those of pitta nature as it stimulates the earth and water elements in the body thus bringing in tranquility and clarity. (Beginners to all levels)
Hatha Yoga
Hatha Yoga is for beginners and all levels who want to learn the original yoga. Maintaining the classical practice in its purity and dimensional depth, it is a process through which the body-mind comes into full potential. With dedication and commitment to the practices, one will rein in a harmonious lifestyle, one of balanced mind and healthy body in which joy and bliss become your nature. (Beginners to all levels)
Flying Flow
Get more flexible and strengthen your core! You can achieve your fitness goals in a new and fun way. Using the aerial hammock as a prop to deepen or modify your practice will guide you to explore the art of movement against gravity. (Beginners to all levels)
Silky Restorative
Experience meditative motion and revitalization for your any back, shoulder, hip or knee injuries. With the help of silk hammock, this unique stretching method will support in such a way that you will be able to not only to tone your muscles but also to lengthen your ligaments and tendons as well. This is great for decompression of the spine and will help to release the tension from the body-mind. (Beginner to all levels)
Mindful Flow
Mindful flow is about synchronizing breath and movement. A class for all levels, this flow will both challenge and relax. Bringing in an awareness of breath into the flow, one learns to carry this into their daily life. (Beginners)
Sound Flow
Begin and end class with the calming sounds of Tibetan singing bowls to help relax and heal the body and mind. Begin with seated meditation then begin to warm the body and connect the breath. Continue to flow and move through a sequence of poses to help build strength and balance. The unique sound of singing bowls will take you to a deep meditative state of mind and body and help to relief tension and stress.
Aroma Yin
Aroma yoga or aromatherapy yin combines the ancient practice of using essential oils derived from aromatic plants and yoga. This combination brings calm and balance to the mind and body. During the aromatherapy yin, we will use natural aroma oils to fully invigorate the respiratory system as you stretch from one pose to the next. Join us as we explore the of the breath and different oils energizing the breath in every class.
Yoga Remedy's Fitness Program: Individualized to your nature
Weight loss & Toning
Strength, Endurance & Functional Fitness
Personal training
Stretching & Rehabilitation Program
Senior Fitness
Private Classes or One on One
Ph: 424-337-YOGA
Yoga Remedy's Wellness Center